STD342-2 – Calculating Gravity Loads for Structures up to 3-Stories per WFCM Engineering Provisions

Categories: AWC Standards
Course Length: 2h
Accreditation: AIA HSW LU
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The Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (ANSI/AWC WFCM-2015) is referenced in the 2015 International Building Code and 2015 International Residential Code. For WFCM load calculations, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-10) is used. The 2015 WFCM includes design information not only for lateral loads, but for gravity loads including snow, roof live, floor live, and dead loads on buildings up to 3 stories. This presentation will provide background and examples for calculation of these forces which will enable designers and code officials to quickly determine gravity design loads for projects. Examples include thrust connection loads on rafters and span impacts due to rafter ties; interior and exterior wall loads and related wall stud compression stresses; and hip and valley, and ridge beam capacity requirements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand applicable gravity loads from ASCE 7-10 for structures within the WFCM scope.
  • Be familiar with application of snow, live, and dead loads for various building components and systems.
  • Be familiar with the ramifications of gravity loads on various building components.
  • Be familiar with tabulated values and their basis in WFCM Chapter 2 for gravity loads.

Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.

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Course Content

Calculating Gravity Loads for Structures up to 3-Stories

  • Recorded Presentation
  • Calculating Gravity Loads for Structures up to 3-Stories Assessment