BCD210 – Chapter 7A Compliance Options for Buildings in Wildfire Prone Areas in CA

About Course
This webinar is for building officials, fire marshals, inspectors, plan checkers, architects or builders who would like to learn how various common exterior wood products comply with Chapter 7A Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) provisions of the California Building Code (CBC). Chapter 7A of the CBC applies to new residential and non-residential construction. It was implemented in two phases, beginning in December, 2005. It is applicable in all fire hazard severity zones (FHSZ) in State Responsibility Areas and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Areas. Chapter 7A also references California State Fire Marshal (SFM) standard test methods that provide options for materials and assemblies to comply with the code. Materials and assemblies that can be evaluated using these SFM standards include exterior siding, windows, eaves and other horizontal projections and decking. With the possible exception of the “Windows” test method, the SFM standards provide a way for combustible materials to comply with the provisions of the code.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the CBC Chapter 7A WUI provisions as they relate to wood construction.
- Determine which exterior wood products meet the CBC Chapter 7A WUI provisions.
- Recognize the SFM standard test methods for materials and assemblies to comply with the WUI code.
- Describe how the SFM standard provides a way for combustible materials to comply with the provisions of the WUI code.
Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.
Course Content
Chapter 7A Compliance Options for Buildings in Wildfire Prone Areas in California
Recorded Presentation
02:00:33 -
Chapter 7A Compliance Options Assessment