BCD307 – Wood Deck FAQs: Deciphering DCA6 and More

About Course
Thinking about your next spring project or do you have a client that needs a wood deck designed? This course will provide an overview of common questions and challenges with design and construction of residential wood decks. Information gathered from years of frequently asked questions related to building code provisions for decks, deck construction details, and AWC’s Design for Code Acceptance 6 (DCA6) – Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
- Compare differences between International Residential Code wood deck requirements and DCA6 provisions.
- Diagnose common challenges faced when designing and building residential wood decks and how to overcome them.
- Discover additional resources available for wood deck design and construction.
- Categorize code-compliant wood deck components versus those requiring approval by the authority having jurisdiction.
Funding provided in part by the Softwood Lumber Board.
Course Content
Wood Deck FAQs
Recorded Presentation
01:09:38 -
Wood Deck FAQs Assessment